Scope, Purpose, Perspectives
This school on simulation and numerical analysis of Partial Differential equations (PDEs) is aimed at master students, PhD students, recent PhD doctorates, and researchers in general willing to update their knowledge with recent developments on numerical techniques that play an important role in the international scene. As this type of equations appears in the mathematical modeling of many physical phenomena, researchers coming from different fields (mathematics, physics, engineering, biology, economy, etc) can be interested.
The school is the second of a series, born with the objective of being an occasion for researchers to catch up with important developments in the field and/or to get in touch with state-of-the-art numerical techniques that are not covered in usual PhD courses at national level.
The first edition of these schools was held in November, 2007 in the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Barcelona) and it had a very good acceptance: 73 participants from 21 different countries.
The core of the schools will be composed by four courses, consisting of 4-5 lectures plus a computer lab-session. The courses will be complemented with several seminars related to their subjects.
Latest News
List of participants is published (click here)