GTM - News

We keep you informed about our latest developments, achievements, and insights

GTM Meetings

EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 10-04-2019

Time10:45 - 12:30

Location: Room 2.83

Program for the GTM splinter meeting

  1. Short status of GTM, review of GTM's goals, update on a new multihazard initiative at the UNISDR (GRAF), where does GTM fit in the bigger picture?
  2. Update on work on the GTM web page and a webpage for tsunami benchmarks in the NEAMS region
  3. Short intro on AGITHAR COST Action as an instrument for creating GTM.
  4. Review the revised workplan and goals and for AGITHAR.
  5. Discuss short and intermediate term priorities for AGITHAR and how this can be aligned with GTM main aims. Start the process of organise the first AGITHAR meeting and prioritise topics and sessions, in order to serve GTM establishment in the best way.

AGU 2018, Washington DC, 2018-12-14

GTM Progress meeting, Washington DC 2018‐12‐14
Time: Friday 2018‐12‐14 08:30 – 10:30.

Location: 2018 AGU Fall Meeting interior pod 2, Washington DC.

Attendees: Finn Løvholt and Carl B. Harbitz (NGI), Stefano Lorito (INGV), Jörn Behrens (University of Hamburg), Hong Kie Thio (AECOM), Patricio Andres Catalán (USM Chile), Yo Fukutani (Kanto Gakuin University), Francisco Dourado (University of Rio de Janeiro State), Jorge Macías and Jose Manuel González Vida (University of Malaga).

Rapporteur: Carl B. Harbitz (NGI)


‐ Recent activities

‐ GTM website


‐ Relation to GEM

‐ Road ahead

EGU April 2018, Vienna (Austria)

AGU Dec 2017, New Orleans (USA)

EGU April 2017, Vienna (Austria)

AGU December 2016, San Francisco (USA)

INGV July 2016, Rome (Italy)

EGU April 2016, Vienna (Austria)

AGU December 2015, San Francisco (USA)

IUGG June 2015, Prague (Czech Republic)