The research unit INGEA (Investigación en Geociencias Aplicadas – Research in Applied Geosciences) was born in October 2020 when a  Memorandum of Understanding  was signed between the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME) and the University of Malaga (UMA). The purpose of this Agreement is to allow collaboration between the IGME and the UMA, through the Associated Unit INGEA, for the development of joint research works, as well as in support of teaching in undergraduate and graduate education. The main lines of research focus on: application of numerical analysis techniques, simulations of geophysical fluids, investigations on geological risks and hazards, training and exchange, scientific dissemination.

QAFI Simulations

Data retrieved from Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) v.3.0 available at http://info.igme.es/qafi/. This database is beign update by Julián García Mayordomo, who has shared the new data.





Jorge Macías Sánchez*
Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz
José Manuel González Vida
Carlos Sánchez Linares
Sergio Ortega Acosta

Miguel Llorente Isidro*
Joaquín Mulas de la Peña
Ricardo León Buendía
Marta Fernández Hernández
Alejandro González del Pino
Inés Galindo Jiménez
José Antonio Fernández Merodo
Julián García Mayordomo
Mercedes Ferrer Gijón
Raúl Pérez López
Rosa María Mateos


The main lines of research that we will work on are the following: 

  1. Application of numerical analysis techniques. 
  2. Performing numerical simulations of geophysical flows.
  3. Investigations on risk and hazard assessment of geological phenomena.
  4. Training and exchange.
  5. Scientific dissemination.


A. Application of numerical analysis techniques.

B. Geophysical fluid simulations.

C. Investigations on natural hazards and geological risks.

D. Training.

E. Scientific dissemination.



Llorente, M. and Macías, J. (2018). La necesidad y la oportunidad de estudiar el impacto económico de los tsunamis en las costas españolas, Revista Digital del Consorcio de Seguros, 9, Autum 2018, 18 pp. [Link].

Llorente, M. and Macías, J. (2018). The need and the opportunity to study the economic impact of tsunamis on Spanish coasts. Revista Digital del Consorcio de Seguros, 9, Autum 2018, 18 pp. [ Link].

Llorente, M., Macías, J., Fernández, M., González, A. (2021). “Study on the estimation of economic losses due to tsunamis in Spain”. XXVI CONGRESO DE ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES Y APLICACIONES (CEDYA)

Sánchez-Linares, C., González, A., Macías, J. (2020). “Inundación por tsunamis. Simulaciones numéricas a muy alta resolución” Congreso Nacional de Inundaciones de Orihuela


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