Artículos en revistas
- E. D. Fernández-Nieto, E. H. Koné, T. Morales y R. Bürger (2013). "A multilayer shallow water system for polydisperse sedimentation", Journal of Computational Physics, 238, Apr, pp. 281-314.
- T. Morales, M.J. Castro y C. Parés (2013). "Reliability of first order numerical schemes for solving shallow water system over abrupt topography", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, pp. 9012-9032.
- M. de la Asunción
- M.J. Castro
- T. Morales
- M J. Castro
- M.J. Castro
- A. Jabaloy, F.J. Lobo, A. Azor, W. Martín-Rosales, J.V., Pérez-Peña, P. Bárcenas, J. Macías y L.M. Fernández-Salas (2014). "Six thousand years of coastline evolution in the Guadalfeo deltaic system (southern Iberian Peninsula)". Geomorphology, 206, pp 374–391. DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.08.037.
- E. D. Fernández-Nieto, C. Lucas, T. Morales y S. Cordier (2014). "On the influence of the thickness of the sediment moving layer in the definition of the bedload transport formula in Exner systems", Computers and Fluids, Vol. 91, pp. 87-106.
- M.J. Castro, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, G. Narbona-Reina y M. Asunción (2014). "A second order PVM flux limiter method. Application to magnetohydrodynamics and shallow stratified flows". Journal of Computational Physics, 262, pp 172-193. DOI 10.1016/
- E.D. Fernández-Nieto, J.M. Gallardo y P. Vigneaux (2014). "Efficient numerical schemes for viscoplastic avalanches. Part 1: the 1D case". Journal of Computational Physics, 264, pp 55-90. DOI 10.1016/
- T. Morales de Luna, M. J. Castro Díaz y C. Parés. "Relation between PVM schemes and simple Riemann solvers", Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 30(4), Mar, 2014, pp. 1315-1341.
- F. Bouchut, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney y G. Narbona (2014). "A two-phase shallow debris flow model with enerby Balanc". ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 49 101--140.
- A. Aparicio-González, J.L. López-Jurado, R. Balbín, J.C. Alonso, B. Amengual, J. Jansá, M.C. García, F. Moyá, R. Santiago, M. Serra y M. Vargas-Yáñez (2014). "IBAMar Database: Four Decades of Sampling on the Western Mediterranean Sea". Data Science Journal, 13, p. 172-191.
- P. Bárcenas, F. J. Lobo, J. Macías, L.M. Fernández-Salas, N. López-González y V. Díaz del Río (2015). “Submarine deltaic geometries linked to steep, mountainous drainage basins in the northern shelf of the Alboran Sea: Filling the gaps in the spectrum of deltaic deposition”. Geomorphology, 232, pp. 125-144. DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.11.028
- J. Macías, J.T. Vázquez, J.M. González-Vida, L.M. Fernández-Salas, P. Bárcenas, M.J. Castro, V. Díaz del Río y B. Alonso (2015). "The Al-Boraní mass movement system and associated tsunami. A modeling approach". Marine Geology, 361, pp. 79-95. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.12.006.
- C. Sánchez Linares, T. Morales de Luna y M.J. Castro Díaz. "A HLLC scheme for Ripa model". Applied Mathematics and Computation.
- C. Berthon, F. Foucher y T. Morales de Luna (2015). "An efficient splitting technique for two-layer shallow-water model", Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. DOI: 10.1002/num.21949
- J.L. López-Jurado, R. Balbín, B. Amengual, A. Aparicio-González, M.L. Fernández de Puelles, M.C. García-Martínez, M. Gazá, J. Jansá, A. Morillas-Kieffer, F. Moyá, R. Santiago, M. Serra, M. Vargas-Yáñez y L. Vicente (2015). "The RADMED monitoring program: towards an ecosystem approach". Ocean Sci. Discuss., 12, 645–671.
- P. Marina, J.L. Rueda, J. Urra, C. Salas, S. Gofas, J.E. García Raso, F. Moyá, T. García, N. López-González, R. Laiz-Carrión y J. Baro (2015). "Sublittoral soft bottom assemblages within a Marine Protected Area of the northern Alboran Sea". Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-14. doi:10.1017/S0025315414002082.
- C. García-Ruiz, D. Lloris, J.L. Rueda, M.C. García-Martínez y L. Gil de Sola (2015). "Spatial distribution of ichthyofauna in the northern Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean)". Journal of Natural History, 49: (19-20).
- C. Sánchez-Linares, M. de la Asunción, M.J. Castro, S. Mishra y J. Sukys (2015). "Multi-level Monte carlo finite volume method for shallow water equations with uncertain parameters applied to landslides-generated tsunamis". Applied Mathematical Modelling, 205, doi:10.1016/j.apm.2015.03.011
- Fernández-Salas, L.
M., Durán, R., Mendes, I., Galparsoro,
I., Lobo, F. J., Bárcenas,
P., Rosa, F., Ribó, M., García-Gil, S.,
Ferrín, A., Carrara, G., Roque, C. y Canals,
M. (2015). "Shelves of the
Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands (I):
Morphology and sediment types". Boletín
Geológico y Minero, 126 (2): X-XX ISSN:
- F.J. Lobo, R. Durán,
C. Roque, M. Ribó, G. Carrara, I. Mendes, A. Ferrín,
L.M. Fernández-Salas, S.
García-Gil, I. Galparsoro, F. Rosa y P.
Bárcenas (2015).
"Shelves around the Iberian Peninsula (II):
Evolutionary sedimentary patterns". Boletín
Geológico y Minero, 126 (2): 377-408. ISSN:
- I. Mendes, F.J. Lobo, L.M. Fernández-Salas, N. López-González, P. Bárcenas, J. Schönfeld y O. Ferreira (2015). "Multi-proxy evidence of rainfall variability recorded in subaqueous deltaic deposits off the Adra River, southeast Iberian Peninsula". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Special Issue ECSA54, vol. 167, Part A, pp 300–312.
- J. Macías, A. Mercado, J.M. González-Vida, S. Ortega y M.J. Castro (2016). "Comparison and numerical performance of Tsunami-HySEA and MOST models for LANTEX 2013 scenario. Impact assessment on Puerto Rico". Pure and Applied Geophysics, xx, pp.
- E.D. Fernández-Nieto, T. Morales de
Luna, G. Narbona-Reina, J.
Zabsonré (2016). "Formal
deduction of the Saint-Venant-Exner model
including arbitrarily sloping sediment beds and
associated energy". ESAIM: Mathematical
Modelling and Numerical Analysis.
- M.J. Castro, M. de la Asunción, J.M. González-Vida, J. Macías, C. Sánchez-Linares y S. Mishra (2016). "Uncertainty quantification in tsunami modeling using Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume method". Journal of Mathematics in Industry, 6-5, DOI: 10.1186/s13362-016-0022-8.
- F. Bouchut, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney y G. Narbona-Reina (2016). "A two-phase two-layer model for fluidized granular flows with dilatancy effects". Accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
- E.D. Fernández-Nieto, J. Garrez-Díaz, A. Mangeney y G. Narbona-Reina (2016). "A multilayer shallow model for dry granular flows with the mu(I) rheology: application to granular collapse on erodible bed". Accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
- T. Morales de Luna, E. D. Fernández-Nieto, M. Castro Díaz (2016). Derivation of a multilayer approach to model suspended sedimenttransport: application to hyperpycnal and hypopycnal plumes. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
- M. Lastra, M.J. Castro, C. Ureña, M. de la Asunción
(2016). "Efficient multilayer shallow-water
simulation system based on GPUs". Mathematics
and Coputers in Simulation, Elsevier.
En preparación
- J.M. González-Vida, J. Macías, M.J. Castro, C. Sánchez-Linares, M. de la Asunción, S. Ortega, D. Arcas (2015). "Lituya Bay landslide-generated mega-tunami. Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis". En preparación.
- Castro et al. (2015). "A new turbidity current model for real world applications". En preparación.
- Bárcenas et al. (2015). "Improvement in turbidity current models. Applications to Adra River (Southern Spain)". En preparación.
- Bárcenas et al. (2015). "The seismic stratigraphy of the Adra Delta: Transformation of a deltaic system in response to climatic changes and anthropogenic forcings". En preparación.