GTM - News

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Welcome to the "Related News" section by Global Tsunami Model, your trusted source for the latest updates and insights on tsunami research, disaster management, and related fields.

In this section, we curate a collection of articles and reports that highlight significant developments in tsunami science, mitigation efforts, and global disaster resilience. Whether you're interested in advancements in predictive modeling, updates on international efforts to enhance early warning systems, or stories of communities overcoming adversity, you'll find it here.

COST Action AGITHAR starts at Brussels

Date: 18-19 March 2019 - 9:00-17:00

Location: 149 Avenue Louise, Brussels, Belgium


1st World Tsunami Awareness Day

Tsunamis are rare. But they can be extremely deadly. In the past 100 years, more than 260,000 people have perished in 58 separate tsunamis. At an average of 4,600 deaths per disaster, the toll has surpassed any other natural hazard. Such a stark impact isn’t inevitable, however. Early warning systems can save lives. Equally important is community and individual understanding about how and where to evacuate before a wave strikes. Tsunamis know no borders, making international cooperation key for deeper political and public understanding of risk reduction measures. As a result, the UN General Assembly has made 5 November into World Tsunami Awareness Day, with the first edition being held in 2016. You can get more information about “World Tsunami Awareness Day” from this link. A GTM contribution to the first edition is  achievable here (as well as in the Publication section).