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Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analisys (PTHA)

Tsunami risk assessments and warning systems need Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) as input and reference. TSUMAPS-NEAM will develop the first homogeneous long-term PTHA for earthquake-induced tsunamis, which is presently unavailable for the coastlines of the NEAM region (NE Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and connected seas). Similar initiatives are presently shaping in USA, Indonesia, and under the UN-ISDR for the HFA completion and 2015-2030 SFA implementation. TSUMAPS-NEAM will largely rely on input from the EU FP7 project ASTARTE, of the GAR15 (global risk quantification under the HFA), and national PTHAs like those of USA and Italy. TSUMAPS-NEAM will also promote an informed process of outreach, guidelines definition, and capacity-building initiatives especially targeted at EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy countries involvement. These actions will also strengthen the connection between Candidate Tsunami Service Providers (CTSPs), CPAs, JRC and ERCC, thus reinforcing NEAM Tsunami Warning System (NEAMTWS) effectiveness for the last mile. The regional PTHA is also meant to be the term of comparison or a basis for existing or future national PTHA efforts. Common risk assessment, longterm risk mitigation and planning, at the national and regional levels, and several specific applications (e.g. land-use and evacuation plans, identification of Critical Infrastructures (CIs) at risk) will also benefit from having a region-wide PTHA as input and reference. Therefore, this PTHA will rely on common understanding of the best viable practices and comply with EU scientific and policy standards for hazard and risk assessment (e.g., seismic hazard for building codes). Moreover, the development of standardized PTHA products (hazard and probability curves, maps, documentation, web-tools for their analysis) is the first step to include also tsunamis in multi-hazard risk assessments.