
Peter Lax Award

The Scientific Committee of HYP2020 decided to institute the ‘Peter Lax Award’ in honour of Lax’s seminal contributions, which laid the foundations of modern theory and computation in the area of hyperbolic conservation laws.

This distinction will be awarded to a young researcher (10 years within the PhD) in every HYP Conference. The awardee will be invited to give a distinguished plenary lecture at the conference.

After a careful selection process, the Scientific Committee has decided to distinguish with the second Peter Lax Award to Maria Colombo (EPFL, Switzerland).

Lecture: Leray solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations.
Chair: Eitan Tadmor (University of Maryland – USA)

Peter Lax
Peter Lax

James Glimm Lecture

The Scientific Committee of HYP2020 decided to institute a special lecture to be held as part of every HYP conference, named the “James Glimm Lecture” in honour of Glimm’s fundamental and original ideas, which revolutionized research in the area of hyperbolic conservation laws.

The second James Glimm Lecturer will be Benoît Perthame (Sorbonne-Université, France).

Lecture: Structured equations in biology; entropy and Monge-Kantorovich distance.
Chair: Alberto Bressan (Penn State University – USA)

James Glimm
James Glimm
Plenary Speakers Invited Speakers
Eduard Feireisl (Inst. Math. Prague – Czech Republic)
Euler equations in fluid dynamics: Good and bad news.
Chair: Mária Lukácová-Medvidová (University of Mainz – Germany)

Jan S. Hesthaven (EPFL Lausanne – Switzerland)
On the use of artificial neural networks when solving conservation laws.
Chair: Bruno Després (Sorbonne-Université – France)

Denis Serre (ENS Lyon – France)
Compensated Integrability and Conservation Laws.
Chair: Benoît Perthame (Sorbonne-Université – France)

Eleuterio F. Toro (U. Trento – Italy)
The ADER path to constructing very high-order schemes for approximating hyperbolic equations.
Chair: Michael Dumbser (University of Trento – Italy)

Tong Yang (City Univ. Hong Kong – China)
Stability Analysis on Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Strong Boundary Layer.
Chair: Gui-Qiang Chen (University of Oxford – UK)

Benjamin Gess (U. Bielefeld – Germany)
Non-equilibrium large deviations and parabolic-hyperbolic PDE with irregular drift.
Chair: Hermano Frid (IMPA – Brazil)

Kenneth H. Karlsen (U. Oslo – Norway)
Stochastic conservation laws: some homogenisation and singular limit problems.
Chair: Raimund Bürger (University of Concepción – Chile)

Qin Li (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Low rank structure in forward and inverse kinetic theory.
Chair: Christian Klingenberg (Würzburg University – Germany)

Raphaël Loubère (U. Bordeaux – France)
Entropy stable and positivity preserving innovative Godunov-type schemes for multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws on unstructured grid — Bridging Lagrangian and Eulerian frameworks.
Chair: Matteo Semplice (University dell’Insubria – Italy)

Giovanni Russo (U. Catania – Italy)
Asymptotic preserving well-balanced schemes for hyperbolic systems of balance laws.
Chair: Gabriella Puppo (La Sapienza Univ. Roma – Italy)

Konstantina Trivisa (U. Maryland – USA)
Analysis of models of superfluidity.
Chair: Donatella Donatelli (University of L’Aquila – Italy)

Emil Wiedemann (U. Ulm – Germany)
Weak and measure-valued solutions of the Euler equations.
Chair: Eduard Feireisl (Inst. Math. Prague  – Czech Republic)

Yao Yao (Georgia Tech. – USA)
Small scale formations in the incompressible porous media equation.
Chair: Razvan Fetecau (Simon Fraser University  – Canada)